Alan Doherty's Customised and original phpscripts
As part of maintaining this and other webservers I've needed to take some measures to secure users content from harvesters, log/block harvesters and other infected machines from probing the server(s). So the users details are not harvested by automatons. In case they actally find something, no way to be guarenteed what new exploit may appear tomorrow.
So this section of the site will be devoted to sharing these scripts with users admins that have similar needs/concerns.
The Scripts
As the scripts are all under constant development {as is this page} it may be some time before any are in a distributable {commented and configurable} form
All are live and in use on this site but few are polished
If your need is urgent contact me and I'll send it as is and walk you through the basics /help you get it working on your setup
- Harvester blocklist script
- with optional hook to link to projecthoneypot's distributed harvester monitoring system
- the related custom 403 page script
- that alows blacklisted ip's to de-list themselves, and presents a multilingual 403 message to other {non-blackisted} visitors
- my robots.txt prepend script
- that takes the list of bot trap url's and ensures they are prepended to each sites robots.txt, to ensure that the user dosn't accidentaly allow valid {robots.txt obeying} bots to stray into the bot-traps, also ensures less 404's in the logs when the user hasn't created one
- my favicon.ico script
- that checks the users site and if the user neglects to create/upload a /favicon.ico file supplys a server-wide default one instead, purely inspired by the robots.txt script and purely removes all the multiple 404 errors that this causes now that all browsers check for this file every visit
- my style.css script
- that checks the users site and if the user neglects to create/upload a /style.css {as referenced by all 404/403 error pages and the below mailform} file supplys a server-wide default one instead, purely inspired by the robots.txt script and purely removes all the multiple 404 errors that this file being unavailabe would cause
- my central mailform replacement
- that allows each name-virtual-host {site} on the server to setup a customised contact form, that secures {hides} their email addresses from the browser/harvester, and allows them to keep their address's seperate/private from other users of the script too, and most importantly requires no scripting knowledge for the user and no script-authoring privaliges be extended to the user. The form can also generate either generic but user styleable HTML, or append/prepend a user generated html-head and html-tail to the stylable form markup
Last updated Dec. 2008 Alan Doherty
Please feel free to donate Pizza/Beer/Candy/IoT gadget money to me if any of the free software or advice given was worthwhile to you.